How to Remove Rust from Stainless Steel?

How to Remove Rust from Stainless Steel?

Rust is a course of action that occurs naturally when iron reacts with oxygen along with water or moisture. It mostly occurs on metal surfaces and thus stainless steel also becomes its victim. Stainless steel has a wide range of usage in our day to day life. Appliances of stainless steel have an appealing form and are durable also. But, when rust attacks steel it tarnishes the look and damages steel's functionality. If we know how to remove rust from stainless steel, we can maintain its integrity and save it from deteriorating.

To effectively get rid of rust from stainless steel, there are quite a few valuable handy tips. Some ingredients commonly found around us are very effective. Ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar help to restore the shine and good looks of stainless steel products.

Causes of Stainless Steel Rust

Stainless steel possesses powerful corrosion resistance properties. In comparison to other alloys and metals, it won't rust in normal conditions. But, under some particular circumstances stainless steel can also reveal signs of rust or become corroded. To remove rust from stainless steel it is vital to understand the common causes that make it rust.

1. Exposure to Chlorides : When stainless steel is exposed to an atmosphere of strong chlorides, like salt, it might get rust.
2. Applying Extreme Temperature : Lengthened contact to heat leads to bimetallic corrosion.
3. Abrasive Usage : Use of steel wool causes unnecessary scratches and further leads to rusting.
4. Environmental Issues : If there is too much salt and moisture in the environment it can also be a reason for rust in stainless steel.

7 Ways to Remove Rust from Stainless Steel

Whenever rust appears on stainless steel don't let yourself be taken over by anguish. Sometimes, the rust gets obstinate and removing it becomes a challenge. When it comes to how to remove rust spots from stainless steel, these are some of the most common methods -

Using Baking Soda

Mix baking soda with water and make a paste out of it. The proportion recommended is 1 tablespoon of soda with 2 cups of water. The paste is to be rubbed to the rust affected area with the use of a cloth. The paste applied should be left for 20-30 minutes. Subsequently, the area should be rinsed with a dry towel.

Use of Vinegar

To remove rust from daily used cutlery or similar items vinegar can be a useful option. The rusted item or the portion rusted needs to be submerged in vinegar for 5-10 minutes. By using a sponge wipe away the rusted area. Vinegar can also be mixed with tartar cream to create a paste. Apply this paste to the area from where rust is to be removed and wait for a minimum of 5 minutes. Rinse the area clean and dry it off.

Read Also : Different Methods Of Corrosion Prevention

Using Lemon Juice

One of the most time-tested approaches of removing rust is by making use of lemon juice. Lemon juice when mixed with baking soda becomes an effective cleaner of rust. A paste made out of lemon juice and baking soda should be applied over the areas of rust. Let the paste be there for a few minutes then clean it up with cloth or sponge. The process can be repeated if rust doesn't disappear.

Utilizing Potato

A potato can also be used to remove rust! Start by cutting the potato into two and put one half in the dish-washing cleaner. Let the piece of potato soak in the dishwasher for a few minutes. Now, rub the area rusted with the soaked potato. Potatoes have oxalic acid which breaks the rust and the soap removes the grime. As the rust disappears, rinsing and drying the item is important.

Use of Sandpaper

If the rust has developed into a thick layer, a sand paper will help to thin it down. In this method a coarse sand paper is to be used first and gradually a finer one. While rubbing the rust be careful not to scratch the metal surface. As the layer of rust wears out, any of the methods can be used to completely get rid of the remaining rust.

Using Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil can be used more often to remove rust from stainless steel or even iron. To start with, shape up the foil into a ball and make a mixture of water and salt. Dip the ball shaped foil in it and then rub it on the rusted area. The rubbing will loosen the rust which needs to be cleaned by a cloth. If rust remains, repeat the process.

Applying Powerful Solutions

Rust can be removed from stainless steel by using solutions that have Oxalic Acid. Such a solution is to be applied into the rust affected area. Gently rub the area using a sponge or cloth. Using fresh water rinse clean rusted steel. A small amount of elbow grease can be useful to scuff off any stain that is left behind.


There are more than a few ways to deal with rust on stainless steel. At times for removing rust from stainless steel ingredients that are around us can be used. But, sometimes we may need cleaners specifically formulated for getting rid of rust. Chemically designed solutions are more effective to remove stubborn rust. However, some cleaning solutions of abrasive nature should be avoided. Cleaners that comprise chlorine, iodine, fluorine, bromine, etc., can be injurious to stainless steel.

To protect stainless steel and other metals and alloys from rust, you can always rely on products offered by Zavenir Daubert India. These products are proven and safe to use. They provide some of the best products and services related to rust and corrosion protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to remove rust from stainless steel?

NOX-RUST® Rust Preventive oil can give quicker results when it comes to cleaning rust off stainless steel. It also has outstanding corrosion protection to safeguard stainless steel from rust.

Why is my stainless steel rusting?

It may be rusting because of improper maintenance. Storing the stainless steel items in moisture prone areas can do further harm.

Does vinegar remove rust from stainless steel?

Yes, vinegar very effectively gets rid of rust from stainless steel. Small amount of rust can be removed using white vinegar.

How do you make stainless steel look new again?

To restore the shine of stainless steel we can use lemon juice or baking soda or vinegar. Steel items can be polished on a regular basis using vinegar which is a non-toxic cleaner.

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